Company Policy


At the core of our company's success are highly qualified specialists responsible for the quality of the manufactured products, ensuring healthy and safe working conditions. Therefore, in order to fulfill these responsibilities and ensure the sustainability and continuous development of our business, we have defined our corporate policy and communicate it to all our employees and partners, to apply and adhere to the highest standards and consistency of work processes, including in emergency situations, and to maintain a high level of professionalism in daily activities and business relationships with our company.

We encourage the personal development of our employees and believe that the success of our business is the result of their creativity and effective teamwork.


The management of "FLEXPACK" Ltd. follows its plan for continuous improvement of all quality management activities precisely. Our policy is based on our confidence in the principles we believe in to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction:

Quality of our flexible packaging
Fairness to our partners
Short lead times for your orders
By strictly implementing the quality policy at all levels within the organization structure, we aim for continuous improvement in the quality of our products and services. Striving to enhance the quality of our products, our primary goal is also to reduce delivery times to our customers. For our successful development and expansion, we owe it to the fairness to our customers and business partners.


Developing in harmony with the environment, striving to leave a minimal footprint from our activities. We purposefully develop and implement technologies allowing coexistence of our business with the environment and our customers. Engaging in building and developing beneficial cooperative relationships with a wide range of people and organizations involved in environmental conservation. To achieve these goals, the management of FLEXPACK gives top priority to compliance with the following basic principles for managing the organization's impact on the environment:

Systematically assess the risk to the environment;
Continuously nurture ecological awareness, enhance personal responsibility, and engagement of employees in environmental conservation;
Prevent pollution of the environment from our activities;
Take daily measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment;
Strive to prevent accidents, the consequences of which may have a negative impact on the environment;
Strictly comply with all legal and other requirements for our products and activities;
Periodically set strategic goals and tasks to improve the effectiveness of waste management systems for greater effectiveness of measures for positive environmental impact;
Annual assessment of applicable environmental protection requirements and the results achieved in this direction.

We, the management of FLEXPACK, consistently uphold our fundamental business principles of providing and promoting healthy and safe working conditions in accordance with the best international practices and requirements. To ensure a proper health and safety policy at work, we aim to:

Prevent accidents and reduce the number of incidents affecting health in our organization;
Continuously provide control of safety and health at work, striving to reduce the level of risk in the work process;
Reduce the uncertainty in decision-making regarding risk management;
Ensure compliance with legal requirements to take all reasonable actions to prevent accidents and harm to the health and well-being of employees and workers;
Create a cohesive team among employees and increase cooperation within the company by increasing employees' trust that care for safety and health is part of the company management's priorities;
Raise awareness and understanding of personal responsibility in technological processes in accordance with applicable legal requirements;
We do not tolerate discrimination in staff recruitment and strive to provide good working conditions for all our employees. We respect human rights, do not tolerate any form of forced and/or child labor. Through dialogue and information exchange with our employees, we build and share the principle of mutual trust and responsibility, working together for the success of the company as a whole.